Plantation Shutters Provide Style and Elegance

Adding Style and Elegance Through Plantation Shutters

To add a touch of class and elegance, it is a good option to consider using plantation shutters. These are Greek Architecture inspired window hardware that transcends to today's time. It is both functional and aesthetic by nature. They work as interior shutters that fill up your entire window for an ample amount of covering. Most plantation shutters are wooden but among the popular choices are vinyl and PVC. Vinyl is a very good material because it is requires little amount of maintenance.

Since plantation shutters are louvered shutters, it is very convenient to open and close. It has latches and hinges that support the ease of moving and swinging it open or close. While some shutters are movable, some are also fixed and stationary. Whenever you want to control the amount of light coming in inside your home, you can easily manipulate this through the shutters. People are fond of using them as they can hang the shutters all together to let maximum light come in, have it partially opened if necessary, or close it entirely by choice. This way, both light and air can be thoroughly controlled with their pathway.

Casement windows that work by series or rows of consecutive windows are very fitting for the use of plantation shutters. When the shutters are installed in the interior of the windows, the arrangement becomes very appealing to the eyes of any onlooker. Large picture windows and spacious bay windows also work well with plantation shutters. Recall that these shutters, like hurricane shutters, do not only offer comfort of use and functionality but also style and modern elegance. It is only fitting to say that plantation shutters are very versatile window treatments being used nowadays.

Which Type of Shutter Should I Use?

The shutter panels of this window treatment are usually constructed with pine. The good thing about plantation shutters is that they are both available as either roughly finished or raw. This gives the homeowners or contractors the freedom to finish the pre-built ones on their own. This will give them an opportunity to add a personal touch on the panels by having them painted on their own using their color of choice or have them raw and unfinished for a change.

If you check out the hardware stores around, a wide array of color selection is readily available. The popular choices like vinyl and PVC come in variety of colors so that contractors or home owners working on a home repair does not have to worry about picking the odd color out of the choices.

Homeowners consider the color finish because they would not want to make a coloring book out of their homes. It has to match well the interior and exterior of their home so that it would give quite an impact to any visitors who might drop by. Home repairs, after all, are not only for the ones who might check out your homes but is also one way of giving yourself and your own home the pride and esteem of being shown off around.

When choosing the material of the plantation shutters, consider the humidity level of your home. Both PVC and vinyl also work out as the best picks for several rooms at home because it can prevent your homes from too much moisture and steam like the bathroom and the rooms by your poolside.

Plantation Shutters As Security Shutters

The secondary purpose of plantation shutter is for a good deal of privacy and security. These shutters can be put for use at almost any part of the house. It can limit the amount of view to be seen from the outside as well from the inside. Artificial lighting, ventilation and the sunshine brought inside the house are among the few factors that can be controlled very well by plantation shutters.

Steve Bukento continually writes news on areas dealing with exterior shutters and exterior house shutters. You can discover his observations on exterior window shutters over at and other sources for exterior window shutters information.

Which Way to Face Your House Plans?

There are a myriad of directions a house can face so for the sake of this discussion the only ones used will be north, south, east and west. No mention of north by northeast or any other more complicated directions will be used to keep this simple. There are many reasons to face the door or entry to the east. Most of them are due to spirituality and the fact that you can wake up to the morning sun streaming into your home. If your luxury mansion house plans don't allow for an east facing entry then others are equally as advantageous, especially if you are not Native American and believe the door should face the east.

Having the main living area with windows facing the south is a good idea due to the fact that the sun is low on the horizon in the winter and can heat your house through the windows. The north side is always in the shade and will even grow moss in the desert during the winter. Even if your plans are simple bungalow house plans the setting of the structure on the property is key to enjoying the house.

If you study or believe that Feng Shui has something to offer, hiring a practitioner may be a good idea. If in your luxury home plans you have included an art studio, the classic setting for that is facing north. That way you will never have direct sun coming in the window. It will always be diffused light bouncing into the room. That makes for wonderful Rembrandt lighting.

No matter what your hobbies or beliefs, getting the right plans for your dream house and deciding how to set the house on the property is imperative. At House Plans and More you will find luxury mansion house plans, bungalow house plans and your basic luxury house plans.

English Country House Plans Recall the Magic of Childhood

English country house plans evolved from the tenants' cottages on large manors in Western England during the Middle Ages. Originally these simple structures were fashioned of wattle and daub or stone, and topped with high thatched roofs to facilitate rain runoff. For many people, the archetypical English cottage home is the storybook image of a small dwelling nestled in trees at the end of a country road, with smoke curling up from the chimney, and rose bushes climbing up the walls onto the thatched roof; with little old men and ladies gazing out of small, leaded windows flanked by shutters and a flower box. There is something in this image which is undeniably appealing, and which makes cottage-style living the dream of many modern city-dwellers. On the other hand, this picture also implies cramped living quarters, dark interiors, and perhaps few modern amenities. In order to define the continuing appeal of cottage living, the words that spring to mind are "comfort", "simplicity", "charm", "intimacy" and "romance" rather than the overwrought, pretentious grandiosity of, say luxury estate house plans mansions. The point is that cottage-style living is a state of mind as much as it as a physical presence.

To understand the appeal of English cottage living, think back to the happiest scenes of your childhood: the snug burrow hidden beneath the thick lilac bush; the tree fort cradled high up in the maple limbs; the closet in the attic with its secret passage way beneath the stairs; the bunk-bed at the summer cabin piled high with thick blankets. What do these memories have in common? How did you feel when you were hiding and playing in them with your siblings and playmates? For most people, cottage-style living evokes these forts, closets, hollows - cozy, secret happy places of childhood. When we were children we created spaces which made us feel secure and safe. Although we are now adults, we still have the need for magical, mysterious places which hug us snugly within their boundaries and provide a soothing resting place - retreat from the hustle-bustle world outside.

English cottage homes capture a warm, cozy feeling. The fairytale style of authentic English country cottage house plans became very popular in the United States between the 1890's and 1940's. In the modern style these cottages often have hip roofs with steep gables; with stone, stucco, or shingle siding. The asymmetrical design often has floor plans of one-and-a-half stories, together with quaint interior design features such as artistic niches and nooks. Since they tend to be small in size, English cottage homes are usually favored by young or retired couples rather than couples with growing families. Besides their romantic appeal, cottages are easy to maintain and easy to live in. The house itself encourages an informal, relaxed style of living close to nature. The unpretentious cottage lifestyle means that more attention can be paid to fine details and craftsmanship than ostentatious luxuries. English cottage living expresses who you are and how you prefer to live life - close to nature and the earth - with little regard for impressing others.

If you are seeking a simple, natural lifestyle, consider English country house plans rather than affected, earth-unfriendly luxury estate house plans mansions. There are inexpensive but elegant authentic English country cottage house plans available to suit any budget and lifestyle. Visit House Plans and More today.

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