There are a myriad of directions a house can face so for the sake of this discussion the only ones used will be north, south, east and west. No mention of north by northeast or any other more complicated directions will be used to keep this simple. There are many reasons to face the door or entry to the east. Most of them are due to spirituality and the fact that you can wake up to the morning sun streaming into your home. If your luxury mansion house plans don't allow for an east facing entry then others are equally as advantageous, especially if you are not Native American and believe the door should face the east.
Having the main living area with windows facing the south is a good idea due to the fact that the sun is low on the horizon in the winter and can heat your house through the windows. The north side is always in the shade and will even grow moss in the desert during the winter. Even if your plans are simple bungalow house plans the setting of the structure on the property is key to enjoying the house.
If you study or believe that Feng Shui has something to offer, hiring a practitioner may be a good idea. If in your luxury home plans you have included an art studio, the classic setting for that is facing north. That way you will never have direct sun coming in the window. It will always be diffused light bouncing into the room. That makes for wonderful Rembrandt lighting.
No matter what your hobbies or beliefs, getting the right plans for your dream house and deciding how to set the house on the property is imperative. At House Plans and More you will find luxury mansion house plans, bungalow house plans and your basic luxury house plans.
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